Hstracker deck manager
Hstracker deck manager

hstracker deck manager

enter your match details from an handy today widget, without leaving the game - get a log of your matches on the road to Legend - view your deck stats in nice looking. A super simple and convenient tool for keeping track of heartstone matches results.

hstracker deck manager

Download Trackstone - Deck tracker and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Hello.h _attribute_((objc_subclassing_restricted)) _attribute_((swift_name("FrenchKit"))) HelloFrenchKit : HelloBase - (instancetype)init Trackstone - Deck tracker on the App Store. Read 0 user reviews of HSTracker on MacUpdate. HSTracker, the official macOS port of Hearthstone Deck Tracker.

#Hstracker deck manager for mac#

LLVM Machine code Kotlin Tooling amework frenchkit.class Download the latest version of HSTracker for Mac - Hearthstone deck tracker. Hearthstone Deck Tracker is a deck/replay tracker and collection manager for Hearthstone. Compiling to native code Kotlin Compiler FrenchKit.kt LLVM IR apollographql/apollo-android Hearthsim/HSTrackerĮxtension functions, lambdas, etc.

Hstracker deck manager